Details Tab—View Details

The Details tab on the Manage Workspace page contains important information about the application packages that have been submitted through the workspace. To view a submitted workspace package, click the link in the Actions column to download the zip file.

The information on the Details Tab is broken into three sections:

1. The Workspace Details box near the top of the Details tab lists the following information:


2. The Package Details box lists the following information:


3. The Workspace Grant Tracking Numbers table lists information about each submission that has been made through the workspace. The Workspace Grant Tracking Numbers table contains the following columns:

Note: If no application submission has been made from this workspace, the table will be empty and contain only the column headers.

Note: If your organization uses custom roles rather than the core roles in, please refer to your internal training resources about The Online User Guide uses the core roles (i.e., Workspace Manager, Standard AOR, and Expanded AOR) to explain which users may access and perform actions. For more information, review the Manage Organization Roles help article.