Applicants can reuse workspace forms from existing workspaces to make the grant application process more efficient. To reuse a previously completed form, it has to be the same form title. The reuse form functionality does work with other versions of the same form.
If you are a Workspace Participant, then you may reuse forms from other workspaces in which you are also a participant. If you are a user with the Expanded AOR role, you may reuse workspace forms from any workspace in your organization.
When a form is reused, the information on the form’s cover sheet will be updated to match the current workspace. Other form data will not be changed. Also note, after a form is reused, any data in the form in that workspace will be overwritten.
Note: Applicants are responsible for reviewing and verifying all data in their application forms. Please verify that all form data is correct after using the reuse functionality, especially if you have reused a different form version, as there are often changes to forms between versions.
How to Reuse a Workspace Form
In the Forms tab of the Manage Workspace page, click the Reuse link in the Actions column.
Enter search criteria to locate a form with the same title, then click the Search button. Remember, only forms in "Passed" status with the same title will display in the search results.
Click the Select link in the Actions column. You may also click the Preview link to review the form to ensure it has the information you wish to reuse in this workspace.
Upon clicking the Select link, the form will be added to the workspace, the Application Package Forms table under the Forms tab will be refreshed, and the uploaded form’s status will be updated.
The Reuse link appears in the Actions column in the Forms tab. However, there are conditions that define whether the Reuse function is available. If you do not see the Reuse link for an individual form, then one of the following applies:
The current workspace is in Ready for Submission, Submitted, or Archived status.
The current workspace has an alert regarding the package or form status. Please refer to the top of the Manage Workspace page to check for such an alert.
The form you wish to use the Reuse function for is a read-only form or it is a subform (i.e., there is a parent form, and this form is a subform contained within the parent form)
The form you wish to use the Reuse function for is locked by another user.