When the workspace is in the Ready for Submission or Submitted status, and when the application package forms are up-to-date, the Reopen button will be visible. After a workspace is marked completed or submitted, the workspace is closed to further edits and updates, unless it is first reopened via the Reopen button. When a workspace status is New, In Progress or Archived, or if the application package forms are out-of-date, the Reopen button will be invisible.
The Reopen button will only be active for the following Participants:
Workspace Owners and Participants with the AOR role on the Manage Workspace page
All Participants with access to the Manage Workspaces for Organization page
When the Reopen button is clicked, the following actions take place:
The workspace status will be changed back to In Progress.
The activity will be noted in the Activity tab of the workspace.
The workspace page will be refreshed, and a success message will read, “Workspace successfully reopened.”
Note: If an alert message appears when the Reopen button is clicked, a change impacting the availability of the button was made to the workspace prior to the click (and before the page had been refreshed).