The Activity tab on the Manage Workspace page collects information about all Participant and system actions within the workspace. Below is a summary of the Activity tab. For more details on the data elements in the Workspace Activity table, click the links listed under the Tab Contents section below. Each link directs you to more detailed information about each column on the Activity Tab page.
Information in the Activity tab is displayed within the Workspace Activity table. Each column’s data (except for that in the Timestamp column) can be filtered and sorted:
Timestamp: Contains the date and time of the Participant/system action
Category: Notes whether the activity involved a Participant, Form, or Workspace record
Action: Identifies the specific action that was taken
Performed On: Contains the specific name of the Participant, Form or Workspace that received the action
Performed By: Lists the Participant or system that performs the action
Details: Contains additional information about the action (if any is available).
Note: Actions performed by "System" are automated actions triggered by Participant actions (or inaction).
To export the data as an Excel file, click the Export Detailed Data button on the right side of the Workspace Activity table title bar. Data columns in the exported file are titled as follows: Timestamp, Category, Action, Performed On, Performed By, Details, Workspace ID, Opportunity Package ID, Funding Opportunity Number, CFDA, and Competition ID.
Note: If your organization uses custom roles rather than the core roles in, please refer to your internal training resources about The Online User Guide uses the core roles (i.e., Workspace Manager, Standard AOR, and Expanded AOR) to explain which users may access and perform actions. For more information, review the Manage Organization Roles help article.